Thursday, February 12

Lottery - New tune from the 'Pill. or Recording yourself.

I'm working on this tune for 'the Pill, called Lottery. I spent most of last night on just one guitar part. One damn part! WTF? Seriously? I'm trying to get what i hear in my head on tape, it's just a bitch for some reason. The tune isn't all that complicated, really, just a few cords. I think the trouble is the way I hear it. The guitar I did finish, is panned to one side , and now it's time for another panned to the other side completing the parts of the first. Panned right and left, but not really panned full, just a bit.......or even at all...if I can pull it off. Now I need a sound for the second guitar. well, even a guitar for the second guitar. More of a wave thing I think, up and down, or something.
As I do this more and more, I can hear the little mistakes here and there and it just kills me. So I stop, start, stop start........

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