Monday, May 11

No on-ramp to superhighway, from SBS.

The protectors of our Internet gateway decided to fly away and as a result SBS has no connection to the outside world. I have been forced to drop our posts inside a bottle and send Steve to the river to let them (we hope) float to the right blog. If you are getting this post in error we sincerely apologize.
Band happening updates:
Little Blue Pill thinks they found a drummer. Should know more next Friday provided the ENTIRE band shows up…(hint, hint). Clayton is back on guitar (thank God!) This isn’t the LBP blog, so go there to find out. The link is here somewhere. LBP is following me. Or I’m following them……I’m not sure how that works..
7th Sun is still planning world domination, but they aren’t doing much about it right now. I’m told to be patient and just hang on, so I’m trying to do just that.
Misc. SOLO projects:
The 4th song in the series needs lyrics. It goes like: “ Da-de-de-dum-da-da-do-BLEH! “ If you can think of something catchy, give us a ring! I’m sure we can arrange a nice prize for your troubles. (or not) It’s gotta be cool, I just can’t think of anything cool right now.
Studio happenings:
CTS is due in Monday. Guitar parts. Again. More BIGGER BIGGER I want the guitar sound HUGE!!! I tried to get them to just use bigger guitars but that wasn’t the answer. They couldn’t reach the frets.
Tuesday: A lonely day of mixing in the mix room. Just me and the hamster powered mix machine.
Wednesday is 7th Sun drummer practice. Then work on Lottery for LBP. I FOUND the swishy guitar part I was looking for so I’m going to try and make that happen. It involves a donkey, a mouse, a rusty bucket, and some plastic shiny nickerboxers known only to SBS. It’s gonna be cool. Steve is tracking down the donkey as we speak. It’s the elusive musicall don-… oh never mind.
Thursday: Were going to Denny’s. OK were not really, but I can dream can’t I? Nothing so far.

1 comment:

  1. Just make that asshole guitar player play all of his guitars at once.
